ellow there... tibe2 meluap2 rase meluat n jari pon pantas nak menaip entry ni... nak tau ape? klik lah yg mcm biase tu.
last month...ok bulan lepas kami mengedate lah..jln2 sambil cari part-time... well cuti 3 bulan ko.. konon lah nak cari duet raya... ok kitaorg bump dgn few vacancies.... direct walk-in interview.. exceli im not prepare 4 this.. but he the 1 strongly advising me n build my conpident.. so i henjut jer a... walk in dalam the ******* **** ****... ok kene disable text...jahahaha.... mr manager interview2...interview n punyer interview... he asked when im able to attend as crew... ohmgg.... ai pon dgn errr err next week on monday? ok deal... pheeewww... ello fast food restaurant okeh.. i do not have experience b4!
make the story shorter.. i begin on monday on 6.30 pm... until 11 pm... the said for part timer working hours wil be like this... ok im happy accept it.. lepas sesi pecahkan air batu... ice breaking lah... alaaah cakap melayu x phm pulak korg ni...teheee.... ok pas ice breaking kenal2 staf yg lain senior, manager, ass. manager, chopper etc... ive learn a lot on 1st day.. dari kenal sume jenis menu, name2 meal, amek order, clear the table,noe the restaurant,remmber the table, learn making the bav, punch on my forhead bout rule of tumb lagi...hhmmmm..... ok sedut2 sume info... digest plan2 n im ok... walau penuh blur di dada kuteruskan jua..muahahaha
1st day, 2nd, 3rd.... sume ok... ha mesti tau dah kan... hari ke 4... memg bad luck tol... ni a dugaan yg ai x leh handle..ok lets begin the most deep hatin on them n u! yes u customer... system restaurant tibe2 buat hal... order x print tats mean ai kene submit sume order kepada sume bahagian,.. ade 3... so ai pon dah cuak...tatotnyer,,,, nak buat manual oder system plop... 1 table amek order sampai table 5.. ai x boleh nak tolak... jap table sane pggil, jap yang nun panggil... sume jenis byk tanye n byk kerenah... eh alo u sorg ke crew amek order? ermm x!.. ai x tau lah yg lagi sorg staff lama tu buat honggek menatang ape tah... yg si asst manager pon melilau ntah mane2...yg tlg ai, sorg jer bro tu..itu pon penuh sindiran... ini ke team work?? bullshit i tel u okeh! ok nampaknyer i hav to face alone... clumsy giler mase tu until order LAMBAT sampai n customer nak VOID order.. aduh suka suki btol a.... then customer tunjuk belang, panggil manager u... ha seap ko mr asst manager tu kene sound dgn customer... bukan 2 tau.. bederet jugak yg bising... yang kapel tua tu lagi a.. adoh perangai ko x super pro langsung... konon speaking nak tunjuk high level a.. customer right lah ape lah... ok my fault.. all on me... ai ngaku depan sir tu tats was my fault... without giving any excuses i take it all... mase prepare nak closing restaurant sume staff sindir2... urmm sory i budak baru,... ehh berapii2 btol ai okeh.... rase nak cabot je apron tu n blah mcm gitu ajer... tapi ai try cool sabar... tabah lah konon kan...
nanti ai buat entry pasal nape customer always feling2 they all slalu right... n all the rules on their hand n treat the sales helper mcm haremm.... even not all yg mcm ni.... oki doki byeee...
p/s jadi org biar berbahasa..saling hormat-menghormati...
1 comment:
salam perkenalan dari genk ^_^
teruskan berblog ya..
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